Full text of Governor’s address to the Legislative Assembly Kerala on 24/06/2016
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Portions of Local self Government
41. As the first phase of the decentralization experiment has reached an irreversible stage of consolidation, my Government proposes to embark on the second wave of deepening decentralisation. The People’s Plan, will be relaunched and will specially focus on formulating implementable plans of action in areas of total sanitation, organic
vegetable cultivation and Natural Resources Management including Local Integrated Water Resource Management (LIWRM). Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) will be fully utilised for watershed management.
42. My Government will operationalise the policy decision that was taken in February 2011 to integrate the different cadres under the Department of Local Self Government into a Common Service. Engineers of the Local Self Government Department (LSGD) Engineering Wing would become officers of the Local Governments.
43. Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KIIA) has now acquired the status of a National Institution of Excellence in Local Governance, particularly Panchayati Raj. In order to strengthen it and expand its capability, the State Institute of Rural Development will be merged with KII-A.
44. My Government proposes to restructure the present Kerala Town and Country Planning Act, 2016 to fully reflect the spirit of decentralised planning as relevant to the State.
45. My Government intends to restore the preeminent position of the District Planning Committees. The Technical Secretariat of the District Planning Committee will be made functional with immediate effect.
46. To meet the growing need of local infrastructure in the State, my Government intends to modify and expand the scope of the Kerala Local Government Development Fund (KLGSDF).
47. Kerala has emerged as a global model in decentralization setting well acclaimed best practices. Therefore, it is only appropriate that my Government offers mentoring support to other states in India that are interested in deepening decentralization. KILA will carry out this task.
48. Building on the success of Kudumbasree Neighbourhood Groups, NHGs of people with disabilities as well as of the elderly will be organized.
49. My Government will revitalize the Ashraya programme to provide basic services and facilities to the most marginalized destitutes with the first priority to be given to roofless people. BUDS Schools and BUDS Rehabilitation Centres would be universalized, providing coverage to every child having mental disabilities.
50. My Government intends to take up the Staft-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme in’ one Block Panchayat and one Urban Local Government in all districts and these would become resource clusters for the rest of the district. Kudumbasree will nurture Community Resource Persons in public health to provide basic care services with special
emphasis on non-communicable diseases.
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