സംസ്ഥാന സര്ക്കാരിന്റെ, സാമൂഹ്യ ക്ഷേമ വകുപ്പ് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്തിരുന്ന, ഇന്ദിരാ ഗാന്ധി ദേശീയ വാര്ദ്ധക്യകാല പെന്ഷന്റെ നടത്തിപ്പ്, ആയിരത്തെ തൊള്ളായിരത്തെ തൊന്നൂറ്റി മൂന്നുലെ, ഭരണഘടന ഭേദ ഗതിയിലുടെ, അധികാര വികേന്ദ്രീകരണത്തിന്റെ ഭാഗമായി, തദ്ദേശ സ്വയംഭരണ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങള്ക്ക് കൈ മാറ്റം
24/02/2018 : As per Government Order G.O(MS) No.61/2018/FN dated 21/02/2018 the Government have increased the rate of social security pension of those beneficiaries who are 80% disability. The new
Social Justice Department issued a circular regarding the Abhayakiranam Scheme. Circular No.F3/16207/17 dated 22/06/2017. Download circular from below link; Abhayakiranam Circular 650 Views
The feedback from the Home delivery of Social Security Pensions and further discussion with the stake holders the Government have decided to streamline the Social Security Pension and
In the review meeting held by Government on the implementation of the Home Delivery of Social Security Pensions through the District Co-operative Banks (DCB) / PrimaryAgricultural Credit Societies
Based on the feedback from the survey conducted by the Kudumbasree and further consultation with the stake holders, the Government have decided to implement the Home Delivery of
Government in its GO (Ms) No.282/2016/Fin dated 15-07-2016 have enhanced the minimum rate of social security pensions to Rs. 1000 per month with effect from June 2016. The
It is easy to get your social security pension payment details, Status of DBT etc through online. You may get these details by using 1) Pensioner ID or