Power of Pepper
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weight Loss
Take a cup water and add two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of honey, and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. Mix the ingredients well and drink right away. You should consume this drink on daily basis.
Dandruff :
mix a teaspoonful of crushed black pepper in a cup of curd. Mix well and apply on the scalp. Leave in for about half on hour. Rinse out your hair well. Do not use shampoo at this stage. Wash your hair with Shampoo the next day.
To cure toothache mix powdered black pepper with clove oil. Apply this paste m affected area.
Skin Problem:
For curing skin allergies, eczema and Sabies, prepare a past by mixing black pepper is refined butter. Apply to skin conditions such as allergy rash, eczema and sabies.
Blocked Nose:
Mix equal amounts of black pepper, cinnamon, cumin and cardamom seeds. Grind to a thin powder and smell or inhale the mixture. This will cause healthy sneezing and will open the nose ducts.
Chronic cold:
Consume ground black pepper with some dates is said to be effective in curring chronic cold.
Mix Some black pepper powder in ginger juice. Take this mixture after every meal.
Consuming a mixture of one-half teaspoon of black pepper and one tablespoon of jaggery powder. Take this remedy on a regular basis till you see improvement.
Relieves Gas:
Adding pepper to your meals instead of chili powder will help relieve flatulence.
The piperine present in blade pepper in highly beneficial for treating arthritis due to its anti inflammatory properties.
Piperine in black pepper increases the cognitive functions of the brain and helps beat depression. Add it to your daily meal or eat it as seasoning on a salad. Pepper in any form can help make you smarter and less depressed.
Boil 8-10 black pepper, 10 basil leaves & 2 clove buds in water for 15 minutes and strain the liquid afterwards. Add 2 Spoons of honey at the end. Drink the same with milk.
Reduce Fever:
Take 7-8 leaves of basiland 3-4 grains of black pepper and chew them together.
Seeds of time and black pepper ground to fine paste. Appy it daily to the balding areas about 10 minutes before showering. The solution should help revitalize hair growth.
cold / cough:
To cure all kinds of cough grind 5-6 seeds of black pepper and mix with natural honey. Swallow a spoon of this mix daily until relief is achieved.

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