Constitution of Hospital Management Committees – After commencement of new Panchayat Committee
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Act : Section 173A of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994
Section 173A of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 : Managing Committee for Public health Institution. – There shall be constituted a Managing Committee, in the manner prescribed, consisting of not more than fifteen members including the Chairman, for every public health institutions transferred to the panchayat from Government.
Rule : The Kerala Panchayat Raj ( Management Committees to Public Health Institutions ) Rules, 2010
Structure of Hospital Management Committee
- President of Panchayat : Chairperson
- Chairman of Health and Education Standing Committee : Vice Chairperson
- Chairman of Finance Standing Committee
- Panchayat Member of concerned ward where the hospital is located
- Assistant Engineer of Panchayat (LSGD)
- Assistant Engineer of KSEB
- Assistant Engineer of KWA
- Not more than three social workers nominated by the Panchayat
- Main Medical Officer of concerned hospital : Member Secretary
- Medical Officer of concerned hospital working under Main Medical Officer
- Elected Member of Block, District Panchayat where the hospital is located
Format of Income and Expenditure Statement of Hospital Management Committee [ To be produced before the Performance / Local Fund / AG audit team ]
Read More :
- Powers and responsibilities of HMC (Rule 4)
- Meeting procedure of HMC (Rule 5)
- Establishment of Hospital Development Fund (Rue 6)
- Utilization of Hospital Development Fund (Rue 7)
- Appointment of employees (Rule 8)
- Audit of Hospital Development Fund (Rue 9)
- Control over the activities of hospital (Rule 10)
- Format of Income and Expenditure Statement of Hospital Management Committee [ To be produced before the Performance / Local Fund / AG audit team ]
- The Kerala Panchayat Raj ( Management Committees to Public Health Institutions ) Rules, 2010

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