No applications for renewal of licence are refused to be received merely for the reason that it is not accompanied by sanitation certificate – High Court
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28/02/2017: No applications for renewal of licence are refused to be received merely for the reason that it is not accompanied by sanitation certificate – High Court
We do not think that an outright approach could be made as requested. Though the matter does not relate to the realm of taxation, it relates to regulatory measures in the zone of licensing through Local Self Government Institutions. All that we would say is that respondents 1 to 5 will ensure that no applications for renewal of licence are refused to be received merely for the reason that it is not accompanied by sanitation certificate. This direction being issued here does not take away the statutory and executive responsibility of the officers concerned to act in conformity with the requirement of inspection as directed through Ext.P4 Circular. The appropriate authority among respondents 1 to 5 will ensure that the directions contained herein are brought to the notice of the officers concerned, in all Local Self Government Institutions.
10/01/2013: As per Circular No.66562/RC3/12/LSGD dated 10/01/2013 the Government of Kerala has directed to all local bodies to ensure that site inspections are being conducted by the Health Inspectors on all applications for the renewal of D&O Licenses and that a personal register should be maintained by the Junior Health Inspectors in respect of all applications for D&O licenses.
Full text of circular
It has been came to the notice of Government that no field inspections are conducted on the applications for the renewal of D&O licenses by the respective officers in the LSGD Institutions. Hence the licensees are likely to sell items not covered by the D&O license, resulting cause loss to Government and no Personal Registers are maintained by the Junior Health Inspectors in respect of applications for D&O licenses.
In the above circumstances all the local bodies are directed to ensure that site inspections are being conducted by the Health Inspectors on all applications for the renewal of D&O Licenses and that a personal register should be maintained by the Junior Health Inspectors in respect of all applications for D&O licenses.
The Director of Panchayat and the Director of Urban Affairs should ensure that the above instructions are strictly adhered.

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